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Development Of A Spatial Platform To Support Clean Cooking In Nepal

Anobha Gurung


The Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) is working to build an online, open-source, and interactive spatial platform to support the Government of Nepal to achieve clean cooking for all in Nepal by 2030. The spatial platform will utilize location-specific data related to clean cooking and develop relevant tools to allow data-driven planning, coordination, and decision-making to support the uptake and adoption of clean cooking throughout the country. The online platform is envisioned to (1) synthesize location-specific data, (2) enable online geospatial analysis for assessing demand and supply in the clean cooking sector, and (3) share relevant information. The platform’s development is happening in close partnership with the Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC), CCA, and the World Resource Institute (WRI). Using Nepal as a test case, this effort will develop a general framework for creating a platform that can be customized for different geographies based on the needs and priorities.


The annual ETHOS conference unites the cookstoves and clean cooking community by bringing together lab and field based scientific knowledge that fosters collaborations, elevates scientific rigor, and disseminates knowledge to manufacturers and designers, leading to development and greater adoption of cleaner stoves.

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